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We've tried and tested so many bags over the years, and we always come back to the bum bag. It's so practical, easy to wear and good to look at. It leaves you hands-free, which is brilliant for so many occasions. It's secure. And you can't lose or forget it because you're actually wearing it. We love this one, small yet gorgeous, made from rugged hemp fabric plus gheri, a special cotton material woven on an ancient style of loom. Gheri is bright, vivid, and comes with a great texture. Altogether a rather fab bum bag!
Size: 24w x 15h x 9d cm
Fits waist size up to 44"
Hemp and cotton.
UK Delivery Prices
Are returns Free?
UK orders: Yes, returns are free and you have up to 30 days to do so.
Europe & International orders: Returns will be at the customer's expense.
How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
UK: Standard delivery your parcel will be delivered within 2-5 working days. Express delivery 1-2 working days and Special Delivery Next day From £7.75 Next day 8am to 5.30pm
Europe: Your parcel will be delivered within 5 to 7 working days.
International: Your parcel will be delivered within 7 to 10 working days.
Please see our shipping page for further information