spring is in the air

The Hippy Clothing Co. The new home of Park Walk

Spring is in the air!

Hey everyone, welcome to our weekly newsletter! Spring is finally in the air, so we thought it would be nice to show you a few of our lovely items of spring clothing. It can be awkward choosing the right coat to wear, as you can end up being either too cold or too hot; finding the middle ground so you feel just right is the name of the game at the moment, so I'd suggest giving our spring coat a go. Not too thick and not too thin, this is the perfect way to adapt to the changing weather. Combine this with a few other spring essentials like our fab harem pants, lovely green paisley top and foldable hippie backpack...and you're good to go!

That's it for the week folks, short and sweet!

All The Best,
Stuart, James, Dan & Michaela @ The Hippy Clothing Co.
