Cutting Down On Plastic
With the recent news that micro beads are finally to be banned later this year in the UK we looked at other ways we could cut down on plastic.
America & Canada have already banded and many companies such as Asda, Avon, the Bodyshop, L’Oreal and Boots have pledged to stop using them in their own brand product which is a promising step in the right direction.
When it comes to the environment the effects of micro beads is horrifying, because they are so fine they don’t get stopped by the water filter system before they get to the ocean, adding to the already huge amount of plastic in the ocean and also finding their way into the fish and birds stomachs.
What can we all do next to help cut down plastic usage in our everyday lives?
5 things I have changed -
- Soda Stream
- Canvas Tote for shopping
- Bamboo Toothbrush
- Stainless Steel Water Bottle
- Go to the market for fruit and veg.
With even just one or two of these you will see the difference in your recycling/waste quantity.
If you want to give up micro beads before the ban why not make your own beauty products.
Reasons -
- Low Cost
- Environment
- Tailored to you
- Great gifts
The money you can save making your own face and body scrubs is huge and the ingredients involved are so inexpensive and readily available. The best thing about making your own beauty product is that you can tailor them to your specific needs and wants, tackle that dry skin or make it your favourite scent.
Here’s the most recent one I made-
Coconut & Lavender
Full body relaxation
Best used in the evening to help with all those daily aches and pains and will aid you in a good night’s sleep.
3 cup Epsom salt
1 cup coconut oil
20 drops of lavender
Pour all ingredients into desired container and mix together, this scrub can be used on your body and face. Store in desired container with air tight lid and store in cool dark dry place.
Here at Hippy Clothing Co. we are working towards less plastic in the way we operate, we currently send all orders out in 100% recycled mailing bags but we would like to find a way to use a more environmentally friendly product. The market currently doesn’t support this on a big scale so it’s going to take some work on our part to make it happen, but hopefully other people will follow and one day maybe there will be a law that bans plastic bags of any kind.